
Showing posts from March, 2017

Class 9 English

F.1 How I Taught My Grandmother To Read (Sudha Murty) F.5 Best Seller (O. Henry) P.6 Oh, I Wish I'd Looked After Me Teeth (Pam Ayres) D.2 The Bishop's Candlesticks (Norman Mckinnel) D.1 Villa For Sale (Sacha Guitry)

Ch. 8 Clothing: A Social History Extra Questions

Q. Write a short note on sumptuary laws of France. A.  i) From about 1294 to the time of French Revolution (1789), the people of France were expected to follow certain laws called the 'sumptuary laws' which tried to control the behaviour of those considered as social inferiors by preventing them from wearing certain clothes, consuming certain foods and beverages, and hunting games in certain areas. ii) The items of clothing a person could purchase was regulated, by income as well as social rank. iii) The material to be used for clothing was also legally prescribed. Only royalty could wear expensive materials like ermine and fur, or silk, velvet and brocade. Q. How did the French Revolution bring changes in clothing in the French society. A. i) The French Revolution ended all distinctions created by the sumptuary laws. ii) The members of the Jacobin clubs called themselves the 'sans culottes' literally meaning those 'without knee breeches'. From now